Friday, April 2, 2010

Same-ol'-Same-ol' (Month 2, Day 33)

For some reason, I expected to wake up and be on top of the world today.  Of course, this is all because I took a Vitamin D cap last night - go figure. But, this morning, I'm slightly grumpy at the world for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I fell asleep on the sofa and finally crawled into bed around 1ish.  Not enough sleep makes Darcy a very grumpy soul.  Sweet, but grumpy - like the cookie you see on the right.

To the hands - well, throughout yesterday my hands were still achy.  In particular, the joins on my little fingers.  BUT, they do feel stronger

My diet yesterday:

Pre-Breakfast: 32 oz of water with 2 acidophilis caps
Breakfast: A huge bowl (and I do mean HUGE) of granola (toasted oats, honey, vanilla), dried apricots, goji berries and almonds.  I could barely walk-so full.
Snack: Chai tea with coconut creamer and stevia (still full)
Lunch: Quinoa/carrots/sprouts with Goddess dressing
Snack - Sesame rice cakes (3) and 16 oz water
Dinner - Roasted fennel (beets, fennel, carrots), mashed butternut squash (like mashed potatoes with coconut oil and spike), Mochi.
Post-dinner: Vitamin D pill
Pre-Bed: My lovely pill

Possible histamine triggers:
-Dried apricots/gojis for breakfast.  Dried fruit can build histamines.
-Chai Tea (black tea)
-Goddess Dressing
-Beets?  Hmmm...

Picture snagged from Mama Drama.

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